Women's Health
One of the most effective uses of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is managing women's health. Women's health is also a field where modern medicine does not always have a treatment that alleviates the signs, symptoms, and states of illness that women face. Hence, many women, myself included, have found a great relief and resurgence of hope and happiness when they discover TCM as a treatment for their reproductive and hormonal health.
I have extensive clinical experience helping women with reproductive and hormonal imbalances, from the age of onset of menses to menopause. I also have experience supporting women through cancer treatment. I have completed post-graduate studies with all the premier women's health practitioners in the TCM field of the west including Raven Lang, Debra Betts, Randine Lewis, and Jane Lyttleton.
I particularly love working with young women who have reproductive challenges to achieve fertility before they are ready to start a family, which I term "pre-fertility treatments". I help women balance their hormones and their circulation to reproductive organs as well as detox to prevent passing on their body's bioburden to their children, ensuring that they are all set for a stress-free conception and pregnancy later down the road when they chose to have children.
Women's Reproductive & Hormonal Conditions that Benefit from Chinese Medicine:
irregular cycles
painful periods a.k.a. dysmenorrhea
 lack of periods a.k.a. amenorrhea
endometriosis & other estrogen dominant conditions
maintaining a healthy pregnancy
labor induction and labor and delivery support:
(as a adjunct member of your L&D team, not as a lead)
fibroids (under 5 mm)
excessive menstrual bleeding a.k.a.menorrhagia
postpartum depression
support through chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment
support through discontinuing birth control pills
The above list of women's health conditions we treat is not comprehensive. If your condition is not listed, please feel free to call or email the clinic to schedule a free 15 minute initial phone consultation. If we do not feel that we are the best health care providers for you, we will provide you with referrals to help you on your way to better health.
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